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Manage my bookmarked videos.
My bookmarked videos
Use the information below to manage your list of bookmarked/saved videos. How you use this list is entirely up to you, but here are a few suggestions:
Bookmark a bunch of videos you’re interested in watching, just don’t have time for right now.
Bookmark videos you really enjoyed and plan on rewatching later.
Bookmark videos you’d like to share with friends, players, or colleagues.
Haven’t bookmarked any videos yet? It’s easy to get started — Just visit any video on our site and click the blue “Bookmark this video” button.
- You have not bookmarked any videos yet. Get started by visiting any training video and clicking on the blue bookmark this video button.
Clear all bookmarked videos
Click the button below to clear out your entire list of bookmarked videos.
NOTE: This process is irreversible. Once you click this button your bookmarks will be deleted from our database. You can always go back and add individual videos to your list of bookmarks after clicking this button.